Elder Scrolls Online 2025 January Login Rewards List

Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
Time: 2025-01-10 14:23:04
Views: 365

Elder Scrolls Online is granting some pretty amazing rewards for players who login during january 2025. Whether you want more experience points, a faster mount, cool stuff for your houses, or just want to craft a little faster. your needs are covered. However, if you haven't already started logging in, you could miss out on something you really want. These rewards are sequential, i.e., each day, you'll get the next reward on the list.


What login rewards can you claim for Elder scrolls online in January 2025?


Elder Scrolls Online


There are some fantastic rewards this month, alongside the usual Gold pile and experience scrolls. Some of players favorites are the Nord cosmetics for your house- Drinking Horns, Candles, and Braziers. These might not fit your house now, but there's no telling what other homes you might purchase -there are some great, inexpensive houses to own in-game.


- Day 1: 1,000 Seals of Endeavor 
- Day 2: 5 Grand Gold Coast Experience Scrolls 
- Day 3: 200 Crown Tri-Restoration Potions 
- Day 4: 3 Crown Lessons: Riding Speed 
- Day 5: 3 Crown Lessons: Riding Stamina 
- Day 6: 3 Crown Lessons: Riding Capacity 
- Day 7: 2 Nord Drinking Horns, Display 
- Day 8: 10 Crown Repair Kits 
- Day 9: 200 Crown Lethal Poisons 
- Day 10: 3 Crown Refreshing Drinks 
- Day 11: 10 Gold Coast Swift Survivor Elixirs 
- Day 12: 10 Gold Coast Spellcaster Elixirs 
- Day 13: 10 Gold Coast Warrior Elixirs 
- Day 14: 2 Nord Candles, Antler 
- Day 15: 1 Crown Experience Scroll 
- Day 16: 2 Attribute Respecification Scrolls 
- Day 17: 1 Major Gold Coast Experience Scroll 
- Day 18: 2 Skill Respecification Scrolls 
- Day 19: 1 Grand Gold Coast Experience Scroll 
- Day 20: 5 Crown Mimic Stones 
- Day 21: 2 Nord Braziers, Hanging 
- Day 22: 1 Instant Blacksmithing Research 
- Day 23: 1 Instant Clothing Research 
- Day 24: 1 Instant Woodworking Research 
- Day 25: 1 Instant All Research 
- Day 26: 4 Dreugh Wax 
- Day 27: 4 Rosin 
- Day 28: 4 Tempering Alloy 
- Day 29: 2,000 ESO Gold 
- Day 30: 3,000 Alliance Points 
- Day 31: 5,000 Tel Var Stones


This month will also improve your mounted expeditions better. crown Lessons: Riding Speed enhances your mount speed, Crown Lessons: Riding Stamina increases the Riding Stamina, and Crown Lessons: Riding Capacity allows you to carry more items while riding.


If you make it to Day 3l, there's also the Tel Var Stones, which can normally only be attained in the sewers and districts of the imperial City. You can use them with several vendors, for gear, unique Runes tones, crafting materials,and much more.