'The Elder Scrolls Online' Update 6 launched as biggest content update ever with the heavyweight 20GB-size prepares the game for the upcoming buy- to-play model, 'Tamriel Unlimited', and comes with several new systems.
On top of the list of changes is the new justice system that allows players to commit crimes such as theft and murder. Guards will go after the criminals and once spotted, gamers need to pay off a bounty in exchange for freedom to move around the world uninhibited.
On the other hand, the Champion System brings points to unlock additional passive abilities. When gamers hit highest level and begin to climb up through Veteran ranks, champion points are earned to boost strength.
Eurogamer cited that enhanced animations, new collections systems, updated tutorials, and tons of fixes appear in the extensive patch notes available on the game's official forum.
Changes like overhauled provisioning, replete with new recipes and streamlined storage are also included alongside a new Collections Window that can track mounts, pets and costumes.The game's opening chapter has also been finetuned for the benefit of new players who are joining when the game goes buy-to-play.
The 'Elder Scrolls Online' update 6 also features the upcoming Crown Store that serves a key role that will be activated starting March 17 when 'Tamriel Unlimited' officially goes live on PC and Mac.
As previously reported, the mandatory subscription fee is dropped, however, those who opt to continue paying will receive crown allowances each month alongside other privileges.
Otherwise, 'The Elder Scrolls Online' gamers can purchase crowns using real-world currencies so as to buy potions to boost health, stamina, magic or experience. Aesthetic items, upgraded mounts, vanity pets, fancy costumes and the like will also be available for purchase.
'The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited' is arriving to PC, Mac next week, March 17 and to Xbox One, PS4 this June.