What kind of Mount are you adopting in ESO

Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
Time: 2014-06-09 03:10:46
Views: 1121

Mounts are an essential part of most MMO games, not only do they make travelling the world a lot quicker and easier but they can also be very aesthetically pleasing, however like most aspects of Elder Scrolls Online there is far more to mounts than your average MMO. In ESO players have the ability to feed their mounts once every 20 hours giving a permanent boost to the horse’s stats (speed, stamina or carrying capacity) as well as eventually changing the mounts appearance, this allows players to tailor each of their mounts to their characters needs and style.

Mounts are both purchased and managed through Stables which can be found in every major town across all three factions. To locate a stable open your map (default key M) and look for the symbol that resembles a horses head.


Currently there are a total of six mounts available to players in Elder Scrolls Online none of which are faction specific and while mounts are at the moment all horses it has been announced that Guar mounts are going to be added in the near future.

1.Common Horse
Cost: 17,200g
Stats: 15% Speed, 10 Stamina, 0 Carrying

2.Draft Horse
Cost: 42.700g
Stats: 15% Speed, 10 Stamina, 10 Carrying

3.Light Horse
Cost: 42,700g
Stats: 25% Speed, 10 Stamina, 0 Carrying


4.Gaited Horse
Cost: 42.700g
Stats: 15% Speed, 20 Stamina, 0 Carrying



5.Palomino Horse
Cost: Prices vary with currency
Stats: 15% Speed, 10% Stamina, 0 Capacity


6.Imperial Horse
Cost: 1g (requires Imperial Edition upgrade)
Stats: 15% Speed, 10% Stamina, 0 Carryin