How To Prevent the DDoS Attacks In the Elder Scrolls Online

Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
Time: 2017-07-30 21:16:50
Views: 1904

In the past few days, the Elder Scrolls online players have been reporting the issue of server instability. These problems seem to have increased over the past 48 hours, triggering discussion of social media and forums.



According to developer ZeniMax Online Studios, this is due to a series of DDoS attacks. The message was confirmed by the administrator Gina Bruno, who shared the following:


Recently we would like to briefly describe the stability of the North American server. In short, we have been hit by many repetitive DDoS attacks.
When this happens, it will waste our service and prevent you from logging in, keeping in touch, or even the right combination. Sometimes they only affect a small number of players, and sometimes they will cause greater and wider impact. In any case, this is a frustrating situation.



Although we do have protection but not enough. We have been working hard to implement other security measures to ensure that you are able to log in - and stay logged in - whenever you want to play and will not be interrupted.


The attack has arrived at a large PvP tournament called Midyear Mayhem. Many players in the process of participation are reported loss of progress, summoned the players of frustration.


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