New Chanllenges and New Dungeons are Added to ESO Orsinium Update

Game: The Elder Scrolls Online
Time: 2015-11-16 18:07:48
Views: 1215

The upcoming "Orsinium DLC Pack" of "Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited" will release on Nov. 17 for Xbox One and on Nov. 18 for PS4. The setting of this DLC is Orsinium, which is the original land of the Orcs.

A special message from ESO's Creative Director, Rich Lambert says, "This is by far our largest DLC to date, and one of the largest zones we've ever built. There is a huge amount of content to discover with tons of new quests, group bosses, delves, public dungeons, new items, and of course the PVE game mode - the Maelstrom Arena. The team has really outdone themselves with Orsinium and I know you are going to be amazed when you get in and experience what has been built."

Orsinium is the great capital city of the Orcs. Its ancient glory days are past and it now lies in ruins. It is abandoned as monsters and unsavoury things have got hold of it. King Kurog, who rules this vast mountain kingdom that is set in the dangerous Wrothgar Mountains, wants to rebuild the City Of Orsinium and restore it to its former glory.

The King sent out invitations to ambitious adventurers. Players will have to assume the role of adventurers and join King Kurog in this great adventure to help him rebuild the city.

Players can expect the following new things from this DLC Pack:
There is turmoil in the land of the Orcs, Orsinium. The King has asked for adventurers to help him rebuild this city. As players complete their missions, they can see Orsinuim rebuilding.

Gamers can now fight their enemies in the two new public dungeons. The dungeons include the glacier and ice-bound Rkindaleft, and the Old Orsinium, the ruins of the first Orc capital that was established in the ancient times.

Players now have a new solo region challenge, the Maelstrom Arena. This arena has nine diverse combat rings plus two difficulty levels - the Normal and Veteran versions.

Apart from this, there are also enhancements for the battle leveling systems, grouping tools and the like. Crafting motifs and shield dyeing have also been updated.