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Director Of ESO Promises A "Huge" 2019 For The Game
Director Of ESO Promises A "Huge" 2019 For The Game

Since 2018 is over, now we have come into a brand-new year. One of the most famous game, The Elder Scrolls: Online is also about to have some huge changes in the year of 2019. And soon these changes will be revealed. All the information comes from the game's Creative Director: Rich Lambert.

Tamriel And The Temple Of The Lizard People In ESO
Tamriel And The Temple Of The Lizard People In ESO

Let's take a look at the new DLC Murkmire of the Elder Scrolls Online. And so far, I think this DLC is my favorite and it has made so many changes and finally made this game more entertaining. And for the coming 2019, I want to get more surprise from the ESO.

Producer Of ESO Looks To 2019 - A 'Truly Special Year'
Producer Of ESO Looks To 2019 - A 'Truly Special Year'

Since 2018 is about to come to an end, the Elder Scrolls Online's executive producer Rich Lambert wrote a thanks letter to all of this game's fans. Taking a look back at 2018 and looking forward to a much more exciting adventure in 2019. Here is how the full article of the thanks letter!

New Life Festival Of ESO How To Get To Eastmarch
New Life Festival Of ESO How To Get To Eastmarch

Quick introduction, how to get to Eastmarch for 'The Elder Scroll's Online's new life festival. If you have unlocked a wayshrine in Eastmarch, now you can go there and enjoy your time, if you have not unlock that, now please follow our guide and we can also enjoy that.

ESO Invites Players To The New Life Festival
ESO Invites Players To The New Life Festival

The last event of Elder Scrolls Online this year. From December 13th through January 2nd, this game's players can head into the game and take part in the annual New Life Festival. Earning various items including consumables, crafting materials & more. Browse this article and learn more about this event!

Murkmire DLC Review Of The Elder Scrolls Online
Murkmire DLC Review Of The Elder Scrolls Online

Now please dive into the treacherous swamps and jungles in Murkmire. The Elder Scrolls Online’s latest DLC game pack, as you explore Argonia and discover a hidden world as dangerous as it is beautiful. And reveal Murkmire's long-forgotten past. Enjoy now!

Building A Cozy Home In Elder Scrolls Online With Update 20
Building A Cozy Home In Elder Scrolls Online With Update 20

For the fans of Elder Scrolls Online, please read about new tools introduced in Update 20 to build, decorate and maintain the perfect home, and discover a number of new functions of building, decorating and much more.

Elder Scrolls Online For Free On PC, XB1 & PS4
Elder Scrolls Online For Free On PC, XB1 & PS4

An exciting news is, another Free Play Event is held by The Elder Scrolls Online will begin on Thursday, December 6 and will run through Tuesday, December 11. Free on PC/Mac, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4, no string attached. PLAY NOW!

The Elder Scrolls: Blades Will Be Released In Early 2019
The Elder Scrolls: Blades Will Be Released In Early 2019

The Bethesda's performance has become worse and worse after an impressive showing at this year’s E3 in Los Angeles, and now, the News from "The Elder Scrolls" Twitter, the next title in The Elder Scrolls: Blades has been delayed into 2019, which really hurts a lot of fans feeling.

ESO Update Version 1.42 For PS4 Patch Note For Xbox One
ESO Update Version 1.42 For PS4 Patch Note For Xbox One

Now the Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Tamriel Unlimited latest update is available. Version 1.42 for PS4 and for Xbox One. Anyone who is ready to get the latest update. Please read the full patch now.

Fans Hope Skyrim-Playing Grandma To Be Immortalised In The Elder Scrolls 6
Fans Hope Skyrim-Playing Grandma To Be Immortalised In The Elder Scrolls 6

Shirley Curry's Skryim videos made her an internet celebrity, but according to what she said recently, she's afraid she won't live long enough to play TES6 (The Elder Scrolls 6). So her fans came up a new idea that they hope Bethesda to make grandma to be immortalized in The Elder Scrolls 6.

Views Of Elder Scrolls Online Murkmire DLC
Views Of Elder Scrolls Online Murkmire DLC

One of my interests in the game of ESO (Elder Scrolls Online), which was developed by ZeniMax Online Studios, is it's always a nice treat to come back no matter how long you have been away. And over the past few months, it has already so many releases, and this time. This DLC release is my favorite.

ESO Crown Crates During Free Trials
ESO Crown Crates During Free Trials

After playing this game several times during free trials, I found a quite strange phenomenon, that we, the ESO plus members do not get free crown crates for each day logged in, during that the free trial. And we feel really confused about that!

What You Can Do With The Free ESO PLUS Trial
What You Can Do With The Free ESO PLUS Trial

Well, well, well, today the ESO PLUS FREE TRIAL has officially available, and it certainly an exciting news for those non-members of Elder Scrolls Online. They can enjoy so many things that they never experienced in the game.

Impressions of ESO For New Players
Impressions of ESO For New Players

As a newbie of Elder Scrolls Online (ESO), here are some of my impressions about this fabulous game, and all in all, I have to admit I love how beautiful this game is and how active this virtual world is. I really enjoy every moment in this game. Everything's so wonderful.

Views On PVP In Elder Scrolls Online
Views On PVP In Elder Scrolls Online

Since 2014, the ESO has offered over 11 million fans a place to explore, quest, and create stories of their own or together. This is a successful game definitely, but meanwhile, we also need to know what are our valued customers' opinions so that we could make changes and meet their expectations.

Ready To Enjoy ESO Plus Free Trial
Ready To Enjoy ESO Plus Free Trial

For those new non-members of this game, here is the definition of eso plus free trial, the main goal of this event is to offer and try out some of the ESO Plus member benefits to non-members like the Craft Bag, Double Bank Space and have access to visit the recently released Murkmire expansion. For those existing ESO Plus members, sorry, no extra benefits you'll get.

The Puzzle Of My ESO Account Name
The Puzzle Of My ESO Account Name

For many Elder Scrolls Online players, there always have such confusion, where is my account name? Why am I only have players' character name???

Check out What Was Changed in ESO Patch 4.2.6
Check out What Was Changed in ESO Patch 4.2.6

Recently, a number of abilities and itemization difficulties in Blackrose Prison have been fixed in the Elder Scrolls On the net v4.2.6, in addition to some higher impact combat fixes which includes pets taking too much harm from particular attacks, single-target cast time skills canceling the cast straight away and more.

The Elder Scrolls Online: How to Power Leveling Your Werewolf
The Elder Scrolls Online: How to Power Leveling Your Werewolf

In The Elder Scrolls Online, Werewolf is definitely a very fun sub-class which can be more suited toward fighter's, although Vampire is a lot more suited toward magic customers genuinely everyone can become a Werewolf. How to Power Leveling Your Werewolf?

What Year-End Events and Prize Are in The Elder Scrolls Online
What Year-End Events and Prize Are in The Elder Scrolls Online

Even though The Elder Scrolls Online has just released the following DLC pack with Murkmire for Mac and Computer, the developers at Zenimax have brought back an annual event for all players. Heroes on all platforms might be held over until the DLC is launched on consoles in early November with all the return of your Witches Festival.

The Way to Become A Vampire Easily in The Elder Scrolls Online
The Way to Become A Vampire Easily in The Elder Scrolls Online

Vampires are a character modification and talent tree inside the Elder Scrolls On the net. Vampires gain access to numerous specific skills, at the same time as some unique vulnerabilities. Becoming a Vampire in Elder Scrolls On the internet is really a purpose for many players. There are many measures involved in becoming a Vampire.

How to Unlock An Indrik Mount in The Elder Scrolls Online
How to Unlock An Indrik Mount in The Elder Scrolls Online

How to unlock an Indrik Mount in The Elder Scrolls Online? If you wish to have your individual Indrik mount, you might want to take component within the Elder Scrolls Online’s upcoming events involving October and December to summon a majestic beast of your own, entirely absolutely free.

Become A Monster in The Elder Scrolls Online's Witches Festival
Become A Monster in The Elder Scrolls Online's Witches Festival

The grim spectacle of the Witches Festival will come to The Elder Scrolls Online, to be a monster and earn further practical experience because the beloved festival returns to Tamriel when more! Get your spook on, earn exclusive rewards, and have enjoyable with the large number of other players enjoying this MMO RPG.